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Ash is talking from the view point of west-east dichotomy: When Russia invades Ukraine, she tries to invade west, tring to destroy western values.

In the above write up he uses “west” and “western” words 24 times!

The dichotomy should be universal values, democracy, peace, etc vs opressive and aggressive regimes, but no, Ash is not interested in universal issues. He is trying to protect west against barbarian easterners!

Article I of the Declaration of the Rights of Man, after the French Revolution says “Men are born and remain free and equal in rights” not the Western men, all men.

It seems that Ash tries to reverse the time and dreams a world where European people are above all. He does not give a damn to other “lowly” people.

Ash is a good symbol of ego-centric and egoist European world view.

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